Medical colleges approved by MoHFW (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) and MCI (Medical Council of India) are listed below with address details. We have included the list of government medical colleges in Jammu & Kashmir.
list of medical and MBBS colleges in Jammu & Kashmir
list of private medical and MBBS colleges in Jammu & Kashmir
We have given full list of Medical colleges which offers MBBS degree (MBBS course) full time with address, MBBS seat quotas (seat numbers) in each college along with which university each medical college is affiliated to. We have also mentioned who administers the college (government or private or trust or society) in Jammu & Kashmir.
Students can check the list and apply to the colleges they wish during medical counselling. Before counselling each student who aspires to be a doctor has to pass NEET entrance examination after completing their 12th standard.
1 | Government Medical College, Srinagar | 10-Karan Nagar, Srinagar – 190010, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 180 | Kashmir University |
2 | Government Medical College, Jammu | Bakshi Nagar, Jammu -180001, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 180 | Jammu University |
3 | Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar | Soura, Srinagar-190011, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 125 | Deemed University, Jammu & Kashmir |
4 | Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences, Jammu | P.O. Majeen (ASCOMS) Sidhra, Jammu-180017, Jammu and Kashmir | Trust | 100 | Jammu University |
5 | Government Medical College, Anantnag | Anantnag Verinag, Anantnag Road, Anantnag-192121, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 100 | Kashmir University |
6 | Government Medical College, Rajouri | Kheora, Rajouri-185131, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 100 | Jammu University |
7 | Government Medical College, Baramulla | Kanth Bagh, Baramulla-193101, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 100 | Kashmir University |
8 | Government Medical College, Kathua | NH 1A, Near Kalibari, Kathua-184204, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 100 | Jammu University |
9 | All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Vijay Pur | Vijay Pur, Jammu and Kashmir | Government | 62 | Statutory Autonomous, AIIMS |